Taking a Creative & Practical
Approach to Sustainable Events

Taking a Creative & Practical Approach to Sustainable Events

Our Green Event Services

We help those in the events industry – like planners, venues and caterers – better understand and improve their environmental sustainability performance.

Lean Mean Fighting Machine

Green Event Ninjas is a lean, mean, fighting machine of a start-up, fiercely committed to making sustainable events easy. We do not plan events but rather we help those who do plan them do so in a more sustainable manner.

We’re committed to making sustainable events easy. We do this by offering a range of consulting services to fit any need or budget. No matter the size of their event or project.

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Successful Campaigns

We’re the little guy hitting well above our weight class:

RBC Canadian Open

Hamilton - Toronto

Green Event Ninjas began working with Golf Canada in 2019 when the RBC Canada Open tournament moved from its long-time home at Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville, ON to the Hamilton Golf and Country Club. This move presented a myriad of new challenges relating cleaning and waste management, and Green Event Ninjas was able to jump in and assist Golf Canada deliver a tournament that broke many historical attendance records.

For the 2022 tournament (after a force 2 year hiatus due to the pandemic), Green Event Ninjas is not only back to help Golf Canada with the tournament’s cleaning and waste management, but we’re also helping to development a tournament-wide event sustainability strategy – including looking at impact like carbon emissions, water use, energy use, etc.

The Great New York State Fair

The Great New York State Fair

Syracuse, NY

With the State of New York emerging from the worst of the pandemic in summer, 2021, the State decided to celebrate by reopening The Great New York State Fair, and we were invited to provide our cleaning and waste management services.

Green Event Ninjas was responsible for cleaning the grounds and toilets (both in buildings and temporary trailers), as well as managing the transport of waste across the large venue.

Over the course of the project, we hired a team of close to 350 employees from the local community and managed on-site operations over 26 days (pre/during/post event); including morning, evening, and overnight shifts.

Interested in getting started on a project of your own?

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