Our Clients & Previous Work

RBC Canadian Open
Hamilton - Toronto
Green Event Ninjas began working with Golf Canada in 2019 when the RBC Canada Open tournament moved from its long-time home at Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville, ON to the Hamilton Golf and Country Club. This move presented a myriad of new challenges relating cleaning and waste management, and Green Event Ninjas was able to jump in and assist Golf Canada deliver a tournament that broke many historical attendance records.
For the 2022 tournament (after a force 2 year hiatus due to the pandemic), Green Event Ninjas is not only back to help Golf Canada with the tournament’s cleaning and waste management, but we’re also helping to development a tournament-wide event sustainability strategy – including looking at impact like carbon emissions, water use, energy use, etc.

The Great New York State Fair
Syracuse, NY
With the State of New York emerging from the worst of the pandemic in summer, 2021, the State decided to celebrate by reopening The Great New York State Fair, and we were invited to provide our cleaning and waste management services.
Green Event Ninjas was responsible for cleaning the grounds and toilets (both in buildings and temporary trailers), as well as managing the transport of waste across the large venue.
Over the course of the project, we hired a team of close to 350 employees from the local community and managed on-site operations over 26 days (pre/during/post event); including morning, evening, and overnight shifts.

NXNE Festival Village
Green Event Ninjas jumped into the fray at Yonge-Dundas Square, in Toronto’s downtown core, teaming with NXNE Festival Village to deliver an awesome cleaning and recycling program.
Our crew reflected the fun and positivity of the event in the way we approached our work. Happy to jump-in and help the organizers or a vendor with any request, we kept the streets ship-shape over the course of the weekend.
When it was time to load-up overnight, we were able to clean the grounds thoroughly and in plenty of time for the street to re-open the next morning.

Vegandale Food Drink Festival (2018)
Chicago - Houston - New York - Toronto
Green Event Ninjas jumped into the fray at Yonge-Dundas Square in Toronto’s downtown core to help with
We continued to hand sort the recycling – ensuring that could be taken to the appropriate recycling facility – while introducing a back-of-house organics initiative that help to divert the compostable waste from 100+ food vendors at each event. We hired locally in each city too, contributing the local community by paying fair wages.

WayHome & Boots and Hearts
Green Event Ninjas was the Sustainability Advisor to a successful bid for the cleaning and waste management contract for the two large music/camping festivals in Ontario, Canada (an estimated 40,000 and 35,000 attendees each, respectfully).
Green Event Ninjas then participated in the subsequent planning and on-site implementation of the services, helping to complete the contract ahead of schedule and exceeding the expectations of the client.
In 2018, our Founding Ninja, James Watson, spearheaded an initiative via Cans for Good – a social enterprise that he Co-Founded – and successfully collected over $32,000 in can deposits. Beer cans! After covering their operational expenses, the remainder was donated to local sports teams from the surrounding community.

Convocation at Ryerson University
As part of a wider event sustainability program to help engage students, faculty members and administrators across the urban campus in Toronto, Green Event Ninjas developed a waste diversion initiative for Ryerson University’s twice annual Convocation ceremonies.
In addition to directly overseeing its implementation on-site (e.g. bin placement, signage, collection), we also completed daily waste audits to understand the success of our initiative. The results of those audits were included in a broader report with recommendations for a campus-wide sustainable events program.

Vegan Food & Drink Festival (2017)
New York - Toronto
The 2017 Vegan Food and Drink Festivals in Toronto and New York boasted 12,000+ and 13,000+ attendees each, respectfully, and provided festival goers with a vast selection of fiercely vegan-friendly food, drink and live entertainment options.
Green Event Ninjas managed the festivals’ cleaning and waste management programs from start to finish, introducing a hand-sorted recycling stream for the first time and remaining well under budget for each event.
It turns out they liked our work so much that they have invited us back for all their events in 2018 – Houston, Chicago, Toronto and New York – where we will be rolling out a organics/compost diversion initiative!

Toronto 2015 Pan American Games
Green Event Ninjas’ Founding Ninja, James Watson, was hired by the Toronto 2015 Pan American Games as a Venue Manager for Catering, Cleaning and Waste (CCW).
He was responsible for managing the relationship between the Organizing Committee and the catering and cleaning contractors at two separate venues, ensuring that the Games’ standards of cleanliness and service were maintained.

MIT Sustainability Summit
With the Green Event Ninjas’ assistance with sustainable event management systems and procedures, the MIT Sustainability Summit’s leadership team committed to publish their first event sustainability report for the annual MIT Sustainability Summit.

We partnered with Beerworking – a craft beer tasting and networking event – to create a series focused on environmental and social sustainability. We sourced environmentally conscious caterers and craft brewers to feature, and implemented a (near to) zero waste initiative to reduce the amount of waste destined for landfill.