Sustainable Event Tip #13 – Vegetarian and Vegan Food Options

Sustainable Event Tip #13 - Vegetarian and Vegan Food Options

To the chagrin of planners and attendees alike, a common issue that arises at many events is the matter of whether vegetarian and vegan food options are available. From the planner’s perspective, it can add a degree of complexity and even cost to their planning efforts. From the attendee’s perspective, it can mean that they face could little to no adequate food options, and could end up going hungry.

That has got to be the biggest event planning faux pas, right?

Having vegetarian and vegan food options does not have to be very difficult either. Survey your guests ahead of time to inquire whether they have any dietary restrictions (this could done when they purchase tickets or RSVP). Then, speak with your caterer and make sure that they’re actually capable of delivering quality options on this front (some caterers are much better at vegetarian and vegan cuisine than others).

Accommodating dietary preferences should not be optional when it comes to a sustainable event. Providing attendees with options that match their dietary preferences is a matter of inclusion; of social sustainability. All of that is besides the fact that it will positively contribute the experience of your guests, which should ultimately be the main goal with any event

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